BenPotts 167970513 BPCafe

Ben Potts

Unfiltered Hospitality

Ben is the co-founder of Unfiltered Hospitality as well as a co-owner and creative director of the award-winning bar, The Sylvester. He is a native Miamian who began working in bars in 2009 when he decided to follow his heart and leave the world of investment banking. Since then he has been selected twice as one of the Top 10...

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BenPotts 145204245 HereYago

Ben Potts

Beaker & Gray | The Sylvester

Ben Potts is a Miami native who enjoys all things beverage. In addition to his enthusiasm for liquid delights, Ben enjoys exercising, purchasing too many power tools, and pursuing wellness in all aspects of life. He is currently a Partner at Unfiltered Hospitality, a hospitality consulting and education company, the Bar Director for both Beaker & Gray and The Sylvester,...

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