Nadia's Events
Dinner hosted by Dario Cecchini, Nadia Caterina Munno of @ThePastaQueen and Hinson Lau
Fri, Feb 21
7:00 PM
Italian-born chef, social entertainer, entrepreneur and mom-of-four Nadia Caterina Munno – better known to her 5 million+ followers as The Pasta Queen – has cultivated a community based on her love of pasta, cooking, and drama, which will culminate in the release of her debut cookbook, A Just Gorgeous Cookbook. Living by Italian Director’s Federico Fellini quote that “life is...
Dinner hosted by Dario Cecchini, Nadia Caterina Munno of @ThePastaQueen and Hinson Lau
Fri, Feb 21
7:00 PM
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Italian-born chef, social entertainer, entrepreneur and mom-of-four Nadia Caterina Munno – better known to her 5 million+ followers as The Pasta Queen – has cultivated a community based on her love of pasta, cooking, and drama, which will culminate in the release of her debut cookbook, A Just Gorgeous Cookbook. Living by Italian Director’s Federico Fellini quote that “life is a combination of magic and pasta,” Nadia was born into what she calls a “pasta dynasty” — her family started a pasta factory in Southern Italy in the 1800s — and says the key to cooking is focused mostly on technique with an added sprinkle of magic.